Holding Absence/Loathe - This Is As One

If you read my reviews last month of Saint Cecilia and White Hot, you'll know how excited I am for this EP! Two of the best up and coming musical acts in the British scene at the moment, funnily enough represented by the same label, collaborating on an EP; stylistic contrasts, echoing brilliance, it's of course the hotly anticipated This Is As One from Holding Absence/Loathe. 

Now my feelings on the aforementioned singles are abundantly clear: I thought the two were more like partners, contrasting and complimenting each other, producing a beautiful coupling, but now we're to dive into the rest of this project, so see this as a continuation of those previous articles if you will. Lets break it down.

Starting with Loathe's second offering, following on from White Hot is the chaotic and yet melancholy Servant and Master; the second track begins together with the discordant lead and deep pumping drums to create a terrifying atmosphere only to be caught by the dream like verse vocals - enter France for the emotionally aggressive vocal punch to bring us back to the real pace of the situation lyrically in question.

Loathe have a great ability to juxtapose their vocal styles and melodic guitars to create a real visual and intense exploration into the emotions of the song and the band in writing this. Their dark, doom ridden guitars brought together with clever note choice and the more exploratory synth sections seem to becoming the bedrock of their sound and is truly unique to the band.

Now on to the other side of the proverbial coin, both of these bands have an ability to really put their finger on the pulse of our generation, and recreate and share experiences that we've all felt not just lyrically but musically as well, capturing the emotions (I'll say it) perfectly. Holding Absence's Everything  rounds off the EP and I'm sure I've said it before, its simply beautiful

Lyrically poetic and yet direct, it's driving drums lap like waves in the beginning sections only to crash in later with the guitars for the closing section. Like all the songs of the EP, it creates this visual this incredible recreation of feeling in the situation spoken of. We've all felt love leave us and I'm sure many have felt like they wanted to give up on the idea of ever finding love again. It's incredibly sorrowful in its angelic appearance at start, stripped back to vocals and a little bass and then crashes in later with the rousing guitars and heart shattering vocal delivery. Quite stunning really.

So yeah there you go, the verdicts out as you would. I think that both these bands are destined to amazing things and to see them collaborate in this was a great idea and has prospered songs that will live long in the memory.
This Is As One: 8/10

Get your hands on this work of art right here and catch them on tour at the dates below:
