Loathe - White Hot (Pt 1/2)

With the imminent arrival of the Loathe/Holding Absence split EP; This Is As One, I thought I'd take a quick look at the two songs already released, beginning with the more senior of the pair's, Loathe's White Hot

The first thing you'll notice is the Deftones vibe. Yeah I used the word vibe, I'm an awful human being, I know. It's with that distinct influence that the sound and measure of Loathe's previous work envelopes and integrates with their individual sound. I mean there's nothing wrong with wanting and taking influence from your idols and influences, the best artists always have, as this is how you find out what you want, and what  you want the band to be.

But anyway the song. Interesting lyrically, maybe the message has flown over my head or I'm missing some crucial context but, it seems to speak to me of sorrow and loss, misunderstanding and injustice. One to think on I'm sure. Otherwise the song embodies Loathe entirely. Visceral and aggressive whilst showing emotion and maturity both in their intent and writing! I'm impressed and intrigued. 

Come back in a couple days for my view on White Hot's sister song Saint Cecilia by Holding Absence. 

The split EP This Is As One will be released on February 16th 2018 via SharpTone Records:
