Sleep Token - One/Two

They swept out from under the woodwork, smeared in black body paint and adorned in some strange cultish masks, and are taking the UK by storm. The unnamed artists even signed to Basick Records, so it's not just us on the receiving end of the bands intense and attention-snatching videos. 

Sleep Token's brand of post-rock/djent fusion will capture both your heart and your mind, whether it's the sweeping melodies of the vocal/piano mix or the haunting, driving guitar riffs that take you off into a new realm. We're here for an intense dive into their 2 EP's to date, the aptly named One and Two. 

One was brought to us back in 2016, debuting the band to all. Suffice to say that it picked up as quickly as any new band could hope for. Their theatrical nature alone was sure to draw people in, very quickly helping them break out of the London music scene and into the broader UK scene.

The EP is probably subtler than its successor, with the group still defining themselves, their style and sound. You can hear all the stirrings of what Vessel is trying to point us toward. Fields of Elation is what I would suggest to start with - a great encapsulating piece that gives a taste of the deeper meaning to the bands inner workings. Along with the When The Bough Breaks, it creates a brilliant basis on which to give us the brilliantly emotive Two.

Two is simply a build on One. You can hear the refinement between the two, the cleaning and polishing of better writing and production. Which ultimately leaves more room for error, however in the case of Sleep Token it only adds to the groups agenda. Helping to create their world, the vision that they wish to make us part of at every live show. They're a curious group, mixing elements from much more alternative/indie bands except with the driving and crushing ferocity of the djent movement. 

It's like living in a lucid nightmare. Tranquil, warm and comforting with softly spoken lyrics that would easily drift one off to sleep, luring you in to feel secure and then turning over into the maelstrom that was spinning beneath you all along. At times it feels like just that, a visual and auditory representation of nightmare. An awe-inspiring yet terrifying beauty. 

Of all the bands that I've reviewed, listened to over the years and been to see in the flesh, I've yet to be quite as amazed and inspired by Sleep Token.

They are a lesson in how to create music that can really seriously create a stir. By not following the same guidelines as bands past and having not churned out uninteresting drivel but instead unrelentingly crashing styles together and seriously trying to make something unique that will stand the test of time is something that we need a lot more of, but unfortunately few are confident enough to try.

Pushing your boundaries, and yourself is no small challenge and takes a huge amount of bravery.

I seriously believe that Sleep Token are the next big thing in the British music scene. Proof in the pudding will be the reaction and delivery of their debut album, which we're yet to have news on. However a recent single could be the first taste of any full-length.

Inception-driven-concept metal...
One: 6/10, Two: 7/10
Top picks: When The Bough Breaks, Calcutta, Nazareth.

One was released on December 2nd 2016 independently; Two was released July 21st 2017 via Basick Records:
