The Contortionist - Return to Earth/Reimagined

Progressive American metalers The Contortionist have come to my attention quite recently, shortly before their EU tour with Palm Reader (which only brought together two monumental bands for an insane evening of music). In light of this, I thought it appropriate to talk about these two songs taken from the album Clairvoyant. While I intend fully on reviewing the record as a whole, I wanted to talk about these two first.


Ok, so beginning with the shorter of the two we have Reimagined. 

Beginning with the guitar-less verse is exactly the difference between these guys and others in the genre, pushing boundaries even in the smallest of places, before crashing in with the melodic and uplifting chorus.

This track has some seriously beautiful moments, the softly balanced guitar tones along with the driving bass give you a rousing feeling that is brought together by the super-tight drums. And the subtle guitar solo that rips out, with its again subtle sense of tranquillity is just impeccable. It holds such emotion in its heart-wrenching simplicity.

Finishing a little abruptly with a quick but thought-provoking end.

Return To Earth 

Now to the Walrus, the big one, the six-minute epic; Return To Earth.

I'm not used to such technical and progressive bands utilising a clean vocal to the extent of nothing harsh touching the mic even once, but I have to say I really enjoy it. It's a welcome change and a friendly reminder that you don't need to scream to be heard. 

Again i'm brought back to the writing and arrangement of the piece, as its in the structure that I feel the brilliance comes. Emotive chorus', driving drums and that thick bass tone. But its in the verses we see something different, each speeding up its delivery but rounding back to the same pre-chorus.

Nodding on and on, raining on and on...

As the song comes to a close you hear the keys come in to their own, growing around the other parts, reaching like a growing plant closer to the light, until all the elements crash in simultaneously and bring us along to the outro of the song.  

The band has an ability to convey emotion and intense feeling, with a strange sense of calm about it all. Almost retrospective rather than in the moment, as so many songwriters place themselves. The group have some seriously interesting music that continues to astound me, I find parts and elements that I didn't realise were there with each listen. 

Ok, it's their 4th album, so you'd expect some quality but even I have to admit that these guys have reached beyond what I expected.
