Bleed From Within - Afterlife

What's happening people! Sorry it's been a while, normal life catches up with us all which meant a short break in the writing, but I'm back and I've plenty in store for the near future.

Now, this song has taken over my life a little in recent weeks, with a boyhood charm I admit I have latched on and really enjoyed this. I thought that the first single (Alive) from their upcoming album Era was good and a step up for them but this newest offering has a really driving energy about it that's truly infectious, Afterlife by Bleed From Within. 

The Glaswegians have evolved and refined their style in the near 3 year gap between records, bringing in new members and developing new ideas. Afterlife is interesting in that there are points in which it reminds me of 90's thrash, followed quickly by mid-2000's metalcore and then again by the 'djent' style of recent years. It's this amalgam that creates such a great atmosphere. Nostalgic, whilst also progressive, it's heart-warming in its familiarity and foot-stomping in its delivery.

I mean you can feel the tension tangibly in the air from the first roll of the snare!

Most of all in this song is the epic songwriting, brilliantly organised and arranged with all the style and sense of the great metal bands of old. Lyrically powerful and interesting, and with (if this is allowed to be a thing) easily the most face-melting riff you'll hear this side of a volcano, it is a truly stand out track!

Later this week I digest the entirety of the new Bleed From Within record, until then..
