Rolo Tomassi - Aftermath

So here, in the second part of my preview to Time Will Die and Love Will Bury It, I want to talk about the most recent single from the new Rolo Tomassi album: Aftermath. 

When I heard the first offerings off the new record, Rituals / Balancing The Dark, I was pretty blown away - still as unrelentingly original in their aggressiveness as always, but with a sense of growing maturity and belief. In comparison Aftermath is both no different and completely different. 

There's a really admirable directness about the song, stripped of any 'scream' vocals, we see the full use and elegant beauty of Eva's vocal range. Her lyrical clarity and ability to poetically describe the feelings described are nothing short of beautiful. The heavy use of synth in this song creates an almost eye-of-the-storm type feeling when compared with the early singles; and taking these into consideration and in understanding the lyrical concept we see the pieces begin to fall together. 

(Now for the deep emotional stuff.) 

The album, I sense, is a journey of understanding the pain of love-loss. But rather than wrap it in overused metaphor and simile, RT have boiled it down to its reality. For some of us it can be the darkest, most harrowing part of our lives, especially when love turns so quickly to hate. All the pain that may have been felt, whether callously cut loose or trapped in a love-less relationship, it takes true strength to move away, rebuild oneself and put yourself back together. 

And after all is said and done, once the sorrowful haze has lifted, we all will come to see that it is in these moments that the true essence of life is found. Strip away the facade of modern day and from the dark depression of self-loathing, see the light and life in the world around you and know that it isn't the end but instead the start of something. 

So there you are, two days until we can enjoy this record for as little or as long as we'd like. I'll be writing up a full-analysis of the album once I've had time to digest it in its entirety (by which of course I mean calm down and stop waxing lyrical about it), but until then my friends.
